New Associate Dean Tours Nexus Facilities

October 1, 2021

by Cj Pettus

Lola Eniola-Adefeso

Dr. Lola Eniola-Adefeso – Michigan Engineering’s new Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Education – toured Nexus’ facilities and met with staff.

On Monday, September 27th, Dr. Lola Eniola-Adefeso – Michigan Engineering’s new Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Education – toured Nexus’ facilities. She visited the on-campus classrooms and studio recording spaces as well as the Traverwood office and classrooms on Plymouth Road.

Dr. Eniola-Adefeso spoke with the team and shared her enthusiasm for Nexus’ on-going support of faculty and learners throughout the pandemic. She sees massive potential for Nexus to continue to lead the College in assisting faculty and growing Michigan Engineering’s online education presence.

Dr. Eniola-Adefeso speaks with the Nexus team at Traverwood.
Nexus Executive Director (Interim) and Six Sigma Lead Instructor, Dr. Pat Hammett, demonstrates how instructors navigate remote-live lectures in Chrysler Center 165.
Nexus Production Specialist, Brandon Sandusky, shows how media assistants help faculty manage remote-live technology in Chrysler Center’s enhanced-technology classrooms.
Nexus Director of Online Learning Design & Innovation, Dr. Shubha Kashyap, explains the Nexus Studio recording technology and capabilities.
Dr. Eniola-Adefeso tries out the Nexus Studio lightboard technology.

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