Plan Your 2023 Professional Development

November 1, 2022

by Cj Pettus

Have you started thinking about your 2023 professional development? You can begin to make plans now. The 2023 Nexus at Michigan Engineering professional program schedule is live, and registration is open. You can choose from a variety of industry-specific, leadership-focused, and continuous improvement courses taught by world-class instructors.


In addition to returning courses, there are three brand new programs for your 2023 professional development:

  • Scenario Planning for Urban Futures: Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Associate Professor Robert Goodspeed, PhD provides a deep dive into scenario planning for resilient and sustainable cities. Participants examine theory and case studies and engage in interactive activities, leaving the course with concrete ideas on how to implement scenarios.
  • Kata Mindset: Toni Benner and Elizabeth Aikman teach teams how to use a repeatable pattern that allows them to trust their own scientific thinking and capacity for learning and creativity. Participants learn to focus on workable challenges that connect teams in their current states to the organization’s future direction.
  • Intentional Organization Design: Toni and Elizabeth lead this highly interactive course that helps leaders discover the power of intentional design of the social and technical aspects of an organization. Participants learn how to develop new, innovative ideas and create positive, impactful change.


As always, familiar and popular programs will be available again next year, including Lean Manufacturing, Human Factors Engineering, mobility-focused courses, continuous improvement-focused courses, and more. Course delivery formats vary depending upon on demand, and several courses—Coaching for Improvement and Lean Leadership—have shifted exclusively to remote-live offerings. The highly in-demand Lean Manufacturing course will have a single remote-live offering early in the year followed by later in-person offerings.

You can explore the full course schedule to discover topics and delivery formats that work best for your needs. Make next year a year of growth by focusing on your 2023 professional development.

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Would you like to request a custom course? Please email Andrea Schuitman at [email protected] or submit the form below.

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