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David Arnsdorf

David Arnsdorf
  • Senior Analyst, Altarum Institute

Dave Arnsdorf is a senior analyst at the New Vectors, a subsidiary of Altarum Institute working primarily in the lean and six sigma areas. Mr. Arnsdorf has more than 20 years of experience consulting, and is an expert in cost accounting, Lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma.

Mr. Arnsdorf has facilitated over 50 lean projects in his career and has worked on a variety of other similar efforts. Aside from his involvement in Nexus’ Lean Manufacturing course , Mr. Arnsdorf developed and regularly teaches a course on Lean Accounting and Metrics and Lean Six Sigma for the University of Michigan. In his previous position, he was the President of the Alaska Manufacturers’ Association (AKMA) headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska and founded by Mr. Arnsdorf in April 2000. The AKMA was the Alaskan office of the NIST/Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP). Mr. Arnsdorf earned a BS from Penn State University, and MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in CA, WA, and MI.

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