Working with an Instructional Designer

Instructional design is the practice of creating learning environments. Instructional design models draw on relevant learning theory and research to systematically and efficiently design high-quality learning experiences and resources. Instructional designers play an important role, especially in online, blended, hybrid, and hybrid flexible (HyFlex) courses, to help instructors identify the performance, skills, and knowledge gaps of a targeted group of learners and create or suggest learning experiences to close that gap.

What Do Instructional Designers Do?

Instructional designers support the design process from start to finish. For example, designers may identify instructional gaps, create measurable course objectives to Bloom’s Taxonomy, evaluate the alignment of course components, develop course content, and examine course accessibility, among other responsibilities. Regardless of where they are in the design process, the aim of instructional designers is the same — to maximize learning opportunities for all types of learners.

Nexus Instructional Design Services

At Nexus, we offer two main instructional design services:

Online Course Design
Our primary service is online course design. Whether you are developing a new online course from scratch, revising your current online course, or moving a face-to-face course online, we can help. We offer ready-to-go, accessible templates to get your course up and running quickly. Or, for courses with special considerations, we can work with you to create a custom course design. All Nexus courses are designed in alignment with our minimum quality standards. 

Do you have a need that falls outside traditional course design? Our design team can provide support in the following areas:

  • Instructional Planning
  • Content Development
  • Course Accessibility Assessment
  • Designing Interactive Learning Activities
  • Strategies for Enhancing Student Engagement
  • Professional Development Planning
  • Additional learning-related or instructional needs

Contact us at [email protected] to request assistance and discuss next steps for course design and development.

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Would you like to request a custom course? Please email Andrea Schuitman at [email protected] or submit the form below.

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