Kata Mindset

Key Information

Course Dates

Time Commitment

In-Person: 3 daysRemote-Live: five 2-hour check-ins, 1:00-3:00 PM ET

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Earn a digital badge after successful completion of the course.


A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of this course.

Must pass assessments with 80% or higher to receive a certificate and digital badge.

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Transform the Way Your Team Works, Learns, and Grows.

Discover new pathways and propel improvement efforts forward through deliberate structure and routine by employing the Kata mindset. Toyota Kata is a systematic approach that builds habits, allows practitioners to trust their own scientific thinking, and enables the capacity for learning, experimentation and creativity. By engaging leaders as coaches, there is an opportunity to connect the frontline work to the highest organizational objectives. Teams can focus on workable challenges that require a culture of learning. Beginning at the executive level, these culture shifts evolve through the work of daily practice and are as much a means as they are an end result of deliberately developing organizations.


  • Understand the relational and performance impact of the intersection of mindsets, skills sets, and tool sets
  • Reframe problems and opportunities into workable challenges aligned with strategic priorities that pull people and performance toward their potential
  • Connect all levels of an organization through deliberate and purposeful learning patterns
  • Discover leadership coaching fundamentals that build, bridge, and connect teams to future organizational possibilities
  • Design a strategic plan to cascade the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata through your organization


In this course, participants will practice reframing problems into challenges aligned with clear strategic priorities and breaking them down into actionable patterns to be understood and carried out at all levels of an organization. Participants will practice the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata to awaken scientific thinking and to learn coaching fundamentals for leaders. This course is highly interactive and is based on experiential learning, participatory design, and collaboration.

Ann Arbor Course: Zingerman's Mail Order Practitioner Day

Location: 610 Phoenix Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

  • Tour of Zingerman’s Mail Order (ZMO), an online gourmet food shop and successful Kata practitioner
  • Practice Improvement Kata & conduct coaching cycles using real work
  • Q&A with ZMO employees and coaches

Kalamazoo Course: Location

92 E. Michigan Ave, Galesburg, MI 49053


Industry leaders, change agents and interdisciplinary teams navigating the challenges of bridging strategy to operational change in complex systems such as government, nonprofits and healthcare industries.


Toni Benner


  • Lead Faculty
  • Lean Specialist and Instructor, Michigan Engineering Professional Education
  • Founder and Lean Transformation Coach, Healthcare 2020

What's Next?


Organization Design

Inspire organizational change with creative problem solving and strategic action.


Transformative Leadership

Transform your organization by creating an adaptive culture and inspiring behavioral change.

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Would you like to request a custom course? Please email Andrea Schuitman at [email protected] or submit the form below.

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