Steve Karamihas

  • Lead Faculty, Dynamics of Heavy Duty Trucks
  • Senior Research Specialist, U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)

Mr. Karamihas has been heavily involved in the measurement and interpretation of longitudinal road profiles for 20+ years. He conducted a two-year research study of the effect of road roughness on automotive ride quality, user perception of pavement performance, and truck dynamic wheel loads. In this study, he was instrumental in developing an algorithm for estimating automotive ride comfort from measured longitudinal road profile, which became the latest version of the Ride Number.

Mr. Karamihas has also conducted multiple studies of the factors that affect accuracy and repeatability of high-speed longitudinal road profile measurement. This has involved systematic study of the equipment, the manner in which it is operated, and special problems posed by the pavement itself, often culminating in recommendations that appear in AASHTO standards. This has also involved the conduct and execution of several profiler comparison experiments, including the largest ever conducted; application of many signal analysis methods to road profiles, including customization of cross correlation to profile comparison; and development of profiler performance criteria, including sole authorship of the Critical Profiler Accuracy Requirements report.

Mr. Karamihas has also collaborated with other UMTRI researchers to design specialized profiling equipment, including the FHWA Benchmark Profiler, a custom profiler for study of height sensor footprint, and simultaneous measurement of profile and ride quality. He has also expended considerable effort disseminating research findings on the measurement and interpretation of longitudinal road profile. Together with Mike Sayers, he developed the Little Book of Profiling and RoadRuf (specialized software for analyzing road profiles) for a pilot National Highway Institute (NHI)) short course. Specialized versions of the course have been delivered several times for State and Federal working groups. Mr. Karamihas has also instructed at several offerings of the ProVAL course.

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