Publications & Presentations

This page offers resources and links that inform the pedagogy, design, and delivery of online and professional education. This includes scholarly and practitioner-oriented work published by Michigan Engineering education thought leaders, members of Team Nexus, and other experts throughout the field. Resources will be added and updated on a regular basis.

Engineering Education Research


Duderstadt J.J. (2010). Engineering for a changing world. In D. Grasso & M.B. Burkins (Eds.), Holistic engineering education. Springer. 

Dym, C.L., Agogino, A.M., Eris, O., Frey, D.D. & Leifer, L.J. (2005). Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 94, 103-120. 

Froyd, J. E., Wankat, P. C., & Smith, K. A. (2012). Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100 (Special Centennial Issue), 1344-1360. 

Gover, J. & Huray, P. (2007). Educating 21st century engineers. IEEE Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020 International Summit.

Harris, M. & Cullen, R. (2009). A model for curricular revision: The case of engineering. Innovative Higher Education, 34, 51-63. 

Kendall Brown, M., Hershock, C., Finelli, C. J., & O’Neal, C. (2009). Teaching for retention in science, engineering, and math disciplines: A guide for faculty. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT).

Litzinger, T., Lattuca, L.R., Hadgraft, R. & Newstetter, W. (2011). Engineering education and the development of expertise. Journal of Engineering Education, 100, 123-150.

Sheppard, S., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., Sullivan, W. M., & Shulman, L. S. (2009). Educating engineers: Designing for the future of the field. Jossey-Bass.

Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 57-72. Retrieved from https://www.engr.ncsu.edu/ 
An exploration of differences in student learning styles, approaches to learning (deep, surface, and strategic), and levels of intellectual development, with recommended teaching practices to address all 3 categories.

Other Research

University of Michigan Millennium Project
The Millennium Project is a research center at the University of Michigan concerned with the impact of technology on our society, our communities, our institutions, and our planet.

Online Education Publications

Webinars & Podcasts

Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Webinars
OLC is a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the modern learner. The organization conducts regular webinars hosted by online experts covering industry topics, best practices, and special interests.

TOPCast: The Teaching Online Podcast
The Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast), hosted by Dr. Thomas Cavanagh and Dr. Kelvin Thompson, is a monthly podcast for online and blended learning professionals conducted over a shared cup of coffee.


Brown, M., McCormack, M., Reeves, J., Brooks, D. Christopher, & Grajek, S. (2020). 2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report™ | Teaching and Learning Edition. EDUCAUSE.

Arnold, D., Edwards, M., Magruder, O., & Moore, S. The Competencies and Goals of Instructional Designers: A Survey Study. UPCEA eDesign Collaborative Research Team. UPCEA.

Forums & Blogs

IDEA Papers
IDEA Papers are a national forum for the publication of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the general areas of teaching and learning, faculty evaluation, curriculum design, assessment, and administration in higher education.

University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) Blogs
UPCEA blogs offer the latest trends, insights, and news impacting professional and continuing education.

Team Nexus Papers & Presentations

Interviews, Webinars, and Podcasts

Landsiedel, D., Vigdor, D., McGlone, R., Friedman, S., O’Connor, A., & Ukah, A., (2021, April 21).  CEE Network: The New Educational Landscape: Partnering with Online Program Management (OPMs) Companies and Education Brokers. UPCEA Online Panel.

Landsiedel, D., Marca, P., Miera, J., & Young, D. (2021, March 31). Academic Strategic Planning in a Constantly Changing Environment. UPCEA Pre-Annual Conference Webinar. 

Kashyap, S. (2021, January). Focusing on the Equitable Treatment of Students: Inclusive Online Course Design and Pedagogy. Higher Learning Commission, in collaboration with the Online Learning Consortium.

Cavanagh, T., & Thompson, K. (2020, December). “Episode 79: The 2020 Topcast & Friends Holiday Special.” Teaching Online Podcast. University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning.

  • Guest Shubha G. Kashyap, PhD joined a panel of fellow experts to celebrate the end of 2020 and reflect upon its lasting impact on the field of online education.

Cavanagh, T., & Thompson, K. (2020, September). “Episode 74: Connecting the Dots:” Lessons for Leadership.” Teaching Online Podcast. University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning.

  • Guest Shubha G. Kashyap, PhD joined hosts Tom Cavanaugh, PhD and Kelvin Thompson, PhD to share some of her leadership lessons learned with an explicit emphasis on the importance of openness to learning and the value of mentoring and coaching.

Landsiedel, D., & Young, D. D. (2020, June 25). Staying on the Same Page: How Robust Partnerships with HackerU Create Access for Underserved Demographics. The EvoLLLution. 

Hammett, P., Kashyap, S. & Sprague, G. (2020, March). College of Engineering Honor Code & Alternative Pedagogy for Remote Exams, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.

Papers and Conference Presentations

Kashyap, S., Lipor, G., & Nucci, P. (2021, September). Developing Service and Strength-based Personas to Scale Faculty Support for Design, OLC Accelerate 2021 Conference. Online Learning Consortium (OLC).

Landsiedel, D., Marca, P. and Borbely E. (July 2021). Demystifying Partnership: Leadership Advice and Challenges for the Future of Higher Education. American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference. 

Kashyap, S. & Lipor, G. (2021, May). Evolution in Design: Innovation and Expansion of Design Teams, Enriching Scholarship Symposium, University of Michigan’s Teaching and Technology Collaborative (TeachTech).

Kashyap, S. & Lipor, G. (2021, May). Faculty-Identified Instructional Support Needs for Remote and Online Teaching & Learning, Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium, in partnership with Duke University, Princeton of University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, and University of Pennsylvania.

Navas, S., Lynn-Matern, L., & Jones, C. (2021, March 25) The Future of Revenue Distribution in Higher Education. Jisc Report #7.  Jisc, Emerge Education & HackerU. Green Paper Contributor: Landsiedel, D.  

Kashyap, S., Lipor, G., & Magruder, O. (2021, March 18). Evolution in Design: Innovation and Expansion of Design Teams, OLC Innovate 2021 conference. Online Learning Consortium (OLC).

Major, A., Rafferty, J., Poulin, R., Pedersen, K., Gunder, A., Moore, C., Dowden, L., Kashyap, S., Rhode, J., Pyke, J. G., (2020, November). Master Class for 2020 Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL) program, OLC Accelerate 2020 conference. Online Learning Consortium (OLC).

Major, A., Rafferty, J., Poulin, R., Pedersen, K., Gunder, A., Moore, C., Dowden, L., Kashyap, S., Rhode, J., Pyke, J. G., (2020, August). 2020 Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL) Immersion program. Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and University of Central Florida.

Kashyap, S. (2020, June). What is Different about Teaching Online. 2020 NextProf Engineering Workshop, College of Engineering, University of Michigan.

Gazi, Y., Kashyap, S., Landsiedel, D., Mooney, M., & Scalzo, K. (2020, February 6). Strategically Reimagining Online Education at your Institution in a Changing Landscape – Lessons Learned 1, 5, and 10 Years Out. 2020 UPCEA SOLA+R (Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable), New Orleans, LA.

Kashyap, S. & Millet, C. (2020, February). Operationalizing Innovation in Online Education, Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment 2020 virtual conference, Northeastern State University.

Kraft, M., Newman, C., Reilly, M. (2019, November). Cross-Unit Collaboration To Integrate Professional Captioning Service For Medical Student Lecture Recordings. Poster presented at the 2019 Michigan IT Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI.

Kraft, M. & Reilly, M. (2019, November). Free and Easy DIY Media Captions. Presented at the 2019 Michigan IT Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI.

Kashyap, S. & Millet, C. (2019, April). Innovating Faster and Better in Online and Blended Learning to Achieve Institutional Goals. Innovate -Online Learning Consortium (OLC), Denver, CO.

Kashyap, S., Duck, J, Kreiner, G. & Hyatt, B. (2017, March). Redesigning the Online MBA: The Essential Partnership Between Program Administration, Faculty, and Learning Design. Symposium for Teaching & Learning with Technology, University Park, PA.

Landsiedel, D., Marca, P., Ruff, G., & Bruce, L. (2017, February). Using Social Media for Advertising. Multi-university Panel at the ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Conference, Continuing Professional Development Division, Jacksonville, FL.

Kashyap, S. & Duck, J. (2014, October). May the Force (Field) Be With You: Apply Change Management Tools to Enhance Faculty Preparation for Online Teaching. Online Learning Consortium Conference, Orlando, FL.

Kashyap, S. (2014, September). A Project Management Approach for Preparing Instructors for Online Course Development. Training Magazine’s Online Learning Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Landsiedel, D. (2014, June). E-Marketing through Social Media and Online Tools. Invited presentation at the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

Kashyap, S. (2014, May). A Case Study to Examine Institutional Factors Facilitating and Inhibiting Faculty Preparation for Teaching in an Online MBA Program. [Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University]. Penn State University Libraries.

Kashyap, S. (2014, April). Unpacking a Case Study Examining Institutional Factors Facilitating and Inhibiting Faculty Preparation for Teaching in an Online MBA Program. International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Ponte Vedra, FL.

Kashyap, S. (2014, February). The Design behind a Case Study to Examine Institutional Factors Facilitating and Inhibiting Faculty Preparation for Teaching in an Online MBA Program. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Alef, E. R., Landsiedel, D., & Vaz, N. A. (2009, April). 2008 Update to Top 34 Global Universities with Automotive Technology Leadership (Energy Systems Focus). GM Research Memo 220-002.

Borbely, E. & Landsiedel, D. (2007, March). The Pillars of Quality – Measuring Excellence in Online Education. Invited presentation at the Chief Learning Officer Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.

Landsiedel, D. (2007, January). The World is Flat – Innovating a Global Education Strategy and Technical Education Leadership in the Global Age. Invited presentations at the American Society for Engineering Education Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Palm Springs, California.

Landsiedel, D. (2006, June). Managing Quality from a Corporate Perspective and A Corporate/University Partnership for Global Education. Keynote speech presented at the National University Telecommunications Network Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Bergqvist, T. & Landsiedel, D. (2006, June). A Corporate/University Partnership for Global Education. Invited presentation at the National University Telecommunications Network Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Bergqvist, T., Bray, S., Friedrichs, K., & Landsiedel, D. (2005, November). A Corporate/University Partnership for Global Education: Taking Community and Collaboration to the Next Level. Presented at the 11th Sloan Consortium Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks, Orlando, FL.

Landsiedel, D. (2004, May). Building World Class Capability through Academic Partnerships. Keynote speech presented at the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Tokyo, Japan.

Bergqvist, T., Friedrichs, K., & Landsiedel, D. (2004, May). Strategies for International Collaboration: Developing a Virtual Learning Community for Continuing Engineering Education. Presented at the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Tokyo, Japan. Paper published in conference proceedings.

Friedrichs, K. M. & Landsiedel, D. (2004, May). Multi-modal Technologies to Deliver Professional Education to a Global Workforce. Presented at the 8th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Toronto, Canada. Paper published in conference proceedings.

Landsiedel, D. (2001, November). Emerging Standards of Excellence in Asynchronous Learning. Presented at the Sloan Consortium Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks, Orlando, FL.

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